ProDog Raw Complete Beef & Offal 500g

by ProDog Raw

  • Beef is a lean muscle meat rich in essential amino acids
  • Beef offal is exceptionally nutrient dense and a valuable source of healthy fats.
  • 85% meat, 15% fruit & veg
  • Suitable for all dogs 24 weeks+
  • Grain free
  • ProDog’s Complete Beef with Offal Formula raw dog food, is a delicious gourmet recipe. A blend of quality, fresh meat, ground beef bone and beef offal (from DEFRA approved, British Farm Assurance certified local farms), packed with seasonal vegetables, superfoods and infused with the best quality Scottish salmon oil.

    All ProDog Complete Formula meals meet strict FEDIAF standards and guidelines; this means the raw dog food within our complete recipe range provides balanced nutrient levels that support optimal growth, health and vitality whilst also delivering a truly satisfying feeding experience for your dog.

    Composition: 85% British Beef Meat (Includes approx 10% ground beef bone & 10% beef offal), 14% Vegetables & Berries (Combinations vary in line with seasonal availability), 0.5% Kelp, 0.5% Scottish Salmon Oil

    Nutritional Analysis: Moisture 64.8%, Protein 11.4%, Total Fat 15%, Ash 1.7%, Crude Fibre 7.5%, Sodium 0.10%, Calcium 0.39%, Magnesium 0.02%, Potassium 0.22%, Phosphorus 0.28%

    Keep raw dog food frozen until use. Defrost overnight in the fridge. Do not refreeze. Will last 4 days if kept refrigerated.